Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Google : Freedom Of Thought

Have you folks been looking at the way that Google has been dealing with the next Economic Superpower; China?

Google has stood fast, in the name of Freedom Of Thought.

There, I said it. Freedom Of Thought.

You simply must be aware of this confrontation.

China is one of the last hold outs of suppression of free thought, and this is because of their ideology.

Now we all know about propaganda, and perhaps we here in the Free States may see diversion from what occurs in the rest of the world with various "news outlets" that bend the truth to their way of thinking, but this here is key.

You see, we are able to see every different view-point.

The Citizens of other countries do not.

In some countries, open thought is dictated by the propganda of those in power.

Fuck Them.

People deserve to have access to the Truth, and at the least, they have the right to explore what is out there, in order to inform themselves, and then make their own decisions.

Google is fighting for this.

Do not take this lightly.

I hereby back Google 100% to do what they have always promised to do , and it is this:

Never Do Harm.

So, what would you consider harm?

Will you support this?

I thought you would.

--willies out.

P.S. I will post this on the Mighty TDC for you to read, and then make your own decision.

And THAT is what this is all about.


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